Tuesday, June 29, 2010

First Blog Award!

I'm back...at least physically. Mentally and physically I'm still numb from a week of camping and directing VBS. It was an awesome week, but I am flat out pooped! I can barely walk a straight line. I said that if anyone asks me to do anything on Monday or Tuesday...the answer will be NO! (lovingly of course ;) Tomorrow I will try to pry myself off this chair and go accomplish something. 

To my great surprise and delight, I no more than got home, and I received my first blogger award! Christin, from Pregnant With Power Tools (don't you just love that name!), awarded me The Versatile Blogger Award. This from a woman who wields power tools while pregnant...now that is versatile! Thanks Christin...you are a sweetheart.

According to the terms of the award, I have to tell you seven random things about myself and pass on the award to seven new blogs I have recently discovered. This may be more than you want to know, but here goes:

  • My favorite meal is southern fried chicken and milk gravy with biscuits
  • I like all colors of the rainbow, except yellow and orange
  • Sometimes I sleep with my arm straight up in the air (I know...really weird!)
  • There are 10 years between my brother and myself (I'm the oldest, he's the youngest of 3)...there are 10 years between my oldest and youngest child...of 3 children (not planned, just happened that way)
  • My favorite season is summer
  • Tea is my favorite beverage
  • My family calls me Deborah, most others call me Debbie, my husband calls me Deb...I answer to all three
That was harder than it sounded to come up with.  Now that you know some weird things about me, will you still be my friend? LOL!

As for 7 new blogs that I recently discovered, the hard part will be picking only 7!  I am a new blogger and you should see my blog roll already!  I believe these are supposed to be relatively new blogs so I am passing on the award to these lovely ladies:

  • Kenzie at 9 o'clock Dance of Joy.  She comes up with the cutest crafts that cost next to nothing and the girl plans the best parties!
  • Jennie at Cinnaberry Suite.  She comes up with the most original ideas that are darling.  
  • Kendra at Creative Ambitions.  She can turn trash into true treasure.  What can I say...I just oooh and ahhhh when I visit her site!
  • Ann Marie at la maison LaFortune.    She has turned a very plain little house into an adorable cottage.
  • Suzanne at Meridian Road.  She "shops" in her old barn, made her own "mercury" glass, and turned her kitchen into the cutest cottage kitchen!  What's not to love?
  • Debbie at the Lakehouse.  She has the most peaceful looking cottage on the lake.  It looks like a cozy bed and breakfast.  Debbie lives pretty close, she's sweet and I'd love to go junking with her someday!
  • Sandra at Sawdust and Paper Scraps  This woman has only been blogging since February and she already has over 500 followers...enough said.  Don't walk, run over to her blog!


  1. Thanks Deborah Lynn... so sweet!! I put it on my sidebar... hope that's ok... I have 7 things listed on my about me page... Thanks again!!

    Kendra @ Creative Ambitions

  2. Wow! Thank you Deborah!!! that is sooo nice of you! I appreciate that. I'm really dumb with computer stuff tho....I don't know how to transfer the award to my blog so I can pass it on.

  3. Congratulations and thank you so much! You are the best and I hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. THAT IS TOO FUNNY! My arms are always sore when I wake up in the morning. Wonder if I'm sleeping with them up in the air? I'll have to ask my husband! Congrats on your award! You totally deserve it;) Thanks for passing it on to me. It means a lot! I will wear my button proud.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  5. congratulations on your award!!! Just wanted to thank you for reading my blog and for leaving a comment. It blessed my heart! You are a sweetie. God bless you right back!

  6. Congratulations on your blog award...very deserving! I enjoyed reading a little more about you.

  7. Congrats on your award! Have a great fourth!

  8. Thanks Deborah, how sweet of you to think of me. It was fun to read the 7 random things, I'm still trying to imagine the sleeping with your arms sticking straight up in the air! That is a funny one.


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