I've thought of you all often and feel bad for not posting for so long. I'm finding the school year very challenging to keep up with projects and my blog. I homeschool, the kids get involved in their activities and time just flies by.
We started school in September, of course, and then Wednesday night church and quiz practice (the boys are on our bible quiz team, traveling every month downstate for meets), and our homeschool group starts up, which eats up Thursdays. Then come the holidays. Our daughter was home from college at Thanksgiving for a few days, then at Christmas break for three weeks. She just headed back yesterday.
So today I am putting away the Christmas decorations, and hope to soon carve out some project time. I do have a couple of projects that got put on hold before Thanksgiving. They just need a few finishing touches, and then I will post them.
I know Christmas is past and you are all probably sick of Christmas posts, but I thought I'd share a tiny bit of our Christmas with you...and it's proof that I'm still kickin'!
After Ken gets the tree up, I put on the lights, and the kids decorate the tree. I used to help when the kids were younger, but now they put the ornaments on. Every year since they were born, I've gotten them each a Christmas ornament, which I put in the toe of their stocking, before Santa filled it up ;) When they marry or move out, they will each get to take their ornaments with them to start their own Christmas tree someday.
Even Lacy gets a gift. She knows how to open it too! She opened this one all by herself.
I just have a few Christmas decorations to share. The first one is new this year, thrown together in the wooden compote I painted this summer.
This candle and wreath, I've had for several years, but it is still one of my favorite centerpieces. I just wrapped ribbon around a large candle, then wrapped more ribbon and a bow on a grapevine wreath, and tucked berry picks into the wreath.
Lastly, my Christmas village must be put up every year. Ken and kids have bought me pieces over the years. This year I moved it's location and couldn't use all the pieces, but did add the train in front.
As we start a new year, I want to thank each and every one of you who have befriended me this year and who have shared your lives. You are each such a blessing to me. I promise I will get back to posting, even if it's just to pop up and say "Hi...I'm still alive!"