I've been shopping for essential oils to add some fragrance to things like lavender for my homemade laundry soap, sachets to tuck inside my pillow and clothing drawers, and anything else I can think of. I also wanted orange to make some orange cleaner. My word, you would think the stuff had gold in it!
So what's a diy girl to do? Google it of course. There were lots of sites that required stills, or complicated recipes. But I just wanted a simple recipe that would smell good. I found Aromatherapy at Home was just what I wanted.
I have a lavender plant, but it flowered earlier this summer. However the leaves are very fragrant, so I decided to try those. I snipped the top part of the stems off and used the whole stem, discarding any woody parts.
Since I already had safflower oil on hand, I used it. For my purposes, I think canola oil would have been fine too. I made it two days ago, and it is already smelling divine. Tomorrow I will strain it and add fresh leaves.
It was so simple. Find a jar with a lid that seals ( I used a cleaned out hot fudge sauce jar). Stuff your plant material inside. I filled it pretty full. Pour the oil in almost to the top, put the lid on and set in a window sill. Shake every 12 hours for 48 hours. Strain it through a piece of muslin into a glass bowl, squeezing it to extract as much of it as you can. Add more plant material to the jar and pour your oil back in. Do this as many times as you want until you like the smell. I'll let you know how my lavender oil turns out. Next up - orange oil.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Pinerest Inspired Creation #1 - Laundry Soap
I alluded to my Pinterest addiction in my last post. Not that long ago, I had never heard of it. When I started reading about Pinterest from other bloggers, I didn't really get it, but my curiosity was peaked. So I requested an invite and waited a couple of days for it. The rest is history. Addicted is putting it mildly. I'm in love!
But as much as I love it, I have had to limit myself or I would get nothing done...which I haven't in a while, mostly for other reasons, but still, all that time spent pinning could be put to use actually making something!
I'm not going to stop pinning. The inspiration is wonderful, but I am finding balance now that the newness has worn off a bit. I found a blog that is posting 365 days of Pinterest creations. It is inspiring. I am not planning on making something everyday, but will shoot for one or two a week.
I've already made homemade laundry soap. I tried it once before, but didn't like it. I tried the liquid version, which was a pain and took up a lot of room as it had to be stored in a 5 gallon bucket. It called for Fels Naptha soap. I didn't like the smell and my whites started looking gray. Also it wasn't removing odors from the clothes very well.
I recently pinned another recipe from Amanda at The Eco-Friendly Family that used Oxiclean in the mix. It also said you could use ivory soap. So far I'm loving it. The smell is so fresh and clean and my whites are staying white.
It is a dry mix which is so much easier to make. I doubled the small batch and put some of it in a blue Ball glass jar, then stored the rest in an ice cream bucket. I also tied a measuring spoon to the the jar with a bit of twine.
Amanda suggests using a food processor to grate the soap, but for the smaller batches I'm doing, I just grate it on the fine side of my grater. She also has a recipe for making a huge batch. You would have to invest about $60 to make that. I'm content to make a couple smaller batches at a time.
Here's the recipe I used:
2 cups washing soda
2 cups borax
1 cup of oxiclean
2 bars of ivory soap, finely grated
This is a double recipe. You can cut in in half to try it if you like. I use a heaping tablespoonful for a normal load; a little less for a small load and a little more for a really dirty load.
There will be little or no suds with this soap. I usually put my soap in the washer and start with a little hot water in the bottom to melt the soap, swish it around a bit, then continue filling with warm or cold water. However I've also just started with warm water, and had no problem with the soap not melting or leaving residue on the clothes.
For the most fantastic smelling clothes use this soap, then hang them out in the sunshine. I just love crawling into freshly washed and sun dried sheets at night! Hope you try it...happy washday!
I've linked to these parties:
Get Your Craft On at Today's Creative Blog
Making Mondays Marvelous at C.R.A.F.T.
Inspiration Board at Homework
Great Ideas Day at Infarrantly Creative
Friday, August 26, 2011
How to Take in the Legs of Jeans
I think I blinked and a month went by. So much for a productive summer. School starts in a couple weeks and I feel like I've accomplished so little this summer. Does anyone else feel like a slow moving vehicle on a Nascar track?
My kitchen cabinets still don't have all the knobs, my counters and walls still aren't painted. But life keeps getting in the way. That and Pinterest. Hello, my name is Deborah and I'm a Pintaholic.
Seriously, it's just been one thing after another. Umpteen graduations, including my son's, 3 family weddings (I only had to show up, but it does eat up the weekends), No. 2 son's birthday this week, No. 1 daughter heading back to college next weekend, and No. 1 son starting college in two weeks. Add in 8 lia sophia parties in July and one of the hottest summers on record, and I'm still reeling.
I am going to get these walls painted. I am going to get the counters done. I am going to build at least two huge cabinets in the soon to be office...I am, I am, I am!
And it's probably going to be in September, because I'm having a big yard sale in a couple of weekends. Another reason the projects are on hold. I've been dredging out the basement. Then it's on to the barn. Do you have any idea how much stuff can accumulate in 20 years? I've had lots of garage sales over the years...so where does all this stuff come from?
Before Jamie returns to school, she asked me to do some mending and alter some jeans and a dress. While the sewing machine was set up, I decided to take in the legs of a couple pair of jeans I bought at a garage sale. They were a little too flared for my taste, so I slimmed them down to a boot cut.
Since I haven't blogged a single project, let alone anything else in way too long, I decided tobore show you how I did it. It's not too hard, but it does take about an hour per leg. I only paid a dollar or two each, so I felt it was worth it to put a little time into it. Factor in that I need talls, and not many jeans fit me well, it was worth it to me.
There are a few tricks that help make the job easier and faster, so I'll share those too. Fair warning, this is a picture intensive post.
The tools and supplies you will need are:
Sewing machine (one that will handle heavy seams)
sharp sewing scissors
seam ripper
heavy duty straight pins
heavy duty thread (see below)
First I laid a pair of jeans I like on top of the new jeans. Turn them inside out and lay them so the fronts face up. You can see that I needed to take off at least an inch from each side.
Following the line of the top jeans, pin the new jeans where you want the new seams to be. Note where the two pair of jeans become about the same size at about the knee. Put a pin sideways at that point on each side of the knee. That marks the point that you will start as you taper your new seams. Leave all these pins in until I tell you to take them out (now I sound like my mother...my daughter would say I sound like her mother ;0). Really though, you don't want to take them out too soon, or you won't know where to stitch later.
The supervisor put his foot down (almost on a pin!). No work goes on without him overseeing it!
Work can commence! Before commencing however, you will need some heavy duty thread. You can buy "jean thread," but the colors are very limited and it's expensive. I wanted a thread to match the original topstitching on my jeans. I used regular "heavy duty" thread, by Coats and Clark. I can't remember the color name, but the color number is 8530. It looks like this:
If you want to rip the whole hem out and resew it later, you can. It might be faster than the way I did it. Instead I used the following method. On each side of the seam, I used my seam ripper to carefully pull each stitch out, without cutting the thread. I pried the stitch up with the back of my seam ripper, or with a pencil if I felt it was going to snap.
When I got about 3 inches away from the seam I stopped and left the threads intact. There will be a piece of hem thread on each side of the hem like this:
Don't cut those threads. You will be knotting them later. For now, just leave them, in case you need to take out a few more stitches. Unroll the hem like this:
There are usually two different types of seams on a pair of jeans. The inside seam is usually a normal straight seam with no topstitching. The outside seam usually has the more decorative topstitching and is often a flat felled seam. The pair of jeans I am showing today do not have a flat felled seams. I will post how to stitch a flat felled seam later. Whether you have flat felled seams or not, you will still follow most of directions in this post. Here is a good description of a flat felled seam.
The edges are also finished using a factory zigzag stitch. All these seams need to be ripped out up to the knee or wherever you put the pins at the point you want to start tapering the leg. Be sure to clip the seam about 1/4 inch under that pin so you don't end up pulling out more seam than you intended.
Most jeans seams are looped seams that will pull out fairly easily when clipped at the right spot and on the right end. It works like a potato sack; when you find the right thread to pull, you can pull the whole seam out at once. The trick is finding the right thread. I have a very sophisticated method...not! I just snip a little at each end of my seam and start pulling threads to try to find it. If it doesn't work, I just snip again and I always find it. Once you find it, it's like magic!
The finished zigzag edge is more of a pain. I've found the easiest way to deal with it is to use my seam ripper to rip through the outer edge like so:
Then I just rip out the rest of it however works best, either with the seam ripper or scissors. Now both seams should be open. You will see that the back leg is wider than the front leg. It is important that when you take up the leg, you keep it that way, or you will have a seam that ends up twisted towards the front or back. The back leg will be about a 1/2" to 3/4" wider than the front on each side.
You first want to work on the outer seam. This is the seam that has topstitching on the outside, and is sometimes flat felled. First, iron the front leg down along the pinned line. It will gradually taper off toward the knee. This is where your new seam will be on the front leg. Open it back out. You will have a visible crease to mark where the new seam will be.
Open the front seam back out and trim about 1/2" away from the crease. It should taper towards the knee, eventually running back into the original seam.
Next trim the back leg about 1/2" away from the front leg. Repeat this procedure on the other seam (the inside seam). Now you can take your pins out.
At this point, if you have a flat felled seam, you will skip the next step. I will post how to handle a flat felled seam later.
Starting at the knee, repin the front and back legs together, matching the edge of the seams. Remember, the back leg is larger, so be sure you aren't pinning a crease into it.
Starting at the bottom of the leg, resew the outside leg seam following your crease line from ironing, tapering into the original seam at the knee. Back stitch. At this point I rezigzag the edges so they don't fray.
To reduce bulk in the hem at the seam, clip the bottom of the hem as follows:
First clip along the bottom most creased line of the hem. Clip towards the seam to about 1/8 inch from the seam stitching.
Next clip up from the bottom of the hem along the seam line, again 1/8 inch from the seam. You are cutting a bit of bulk from the hem. so that when you turn it up to sew, it won't be quite so thick.
You should now have a L-shaped "bite" out of the hem like this:
Before sewing the inside seam, you'll want to topstitch this seam first. It's much easier while the other seam is still open. Open up the legs and iron the seam you just stitched, making sure it's not twisted.
Starting at the knee, where the original stitching stops, topstitch the new seam. You can either backstitch a couple of stitches or leave your starting threads long, pull them to the inside, knot and clip. Stitch all the way to the bottom of the hem.
Now you are ready to stitch the inside leg seam. Pin and trim your seam like you did for the outside seam. Stitch and zigzag the raw edges like you did with the first seam. Iron the seam flat, again without twisting it.
Finally it's time to resew the hem. Iron the seam, folding it back up on the original folds. If you took the whole hem out, start sewing near the inside seam, just on one side of it. I don't like to start on the seam itself because it is so bulky. The reason I start at the inside seam is that when I get back to my starting point, I backstitch to lock the threads. That backstitch will show, but won't be noticed on the inside of the leg.
If you only took out part of the hem you need to find the threads that you pulled out earlier. Remember these?
You are going to pull the thread on the outside of the hem to the inside. To do that, gently tug on the inside thread. You may need to pull it to the left and right a couple times, but you should see a loop pull up at the base of the thread. That is the thread from the other side.
Insert your seam ripper into that loop, but be sure to keep the cutting blade facing down, using the back of the seam ripper to gently pry that loop up. You don't want to cut it. You could also use a knitting needle or pencil to pry it up.
Pull it all the way through. Tie the two threads in a knot. I like to tie the knot three times to make sure it won't pull out. Then snip the threads, leaving about 1/4 inch tails. If you snip too close to the knot, it might pull out.
Repeat on the other 3 sets of threads (two for each seam). You are ready to stitch the hem back up. Insert your machine needle one or two stitches from the knot, into the original stitching like this:
Leave extra long thread as you will be knotting these the same way you just did.
Keep your thread pulled taut so that it doesn't get tangled underneath. Stitch until you reach the next stitches, then stitch two more stitches.
Pull jeans away from the machine, and clip the threads, leaving a long enough tail to be able to tie a knot. Pull these threads through to the inside and knot just like you did previously.
The advantage of pulling all these threads through and knotting them, is that you get a seamless look on the outside. As you can see below, you can barely see where the original thread starts and the new begins. The seam ripper is pointing to the spot where they meet. If you choose to skip all this, and just rip out the whole seam, be sure to start and backstitch your hem near the inside seam to hide the backstitching.
There you have it. You can see the before and after in the photo below.
I've linked this post to these parties. Be sure to pay them a visit for tons of great ideas!
Wow us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
Sundae Scoop at I Heart Naptime
My kitchen cabinets still don't have all the knobs, my counters and walls still aren't painted. But life keeps getting in the way. That and Pinterest. Hello, my name is Deborah and I'm a Pintaholic.
Seriously, it's just been one thing after another. Umpteen graduations, including my son's, 3 family weddings (I only had to show up, but it does eat up the weekends), No. 2 son's birthday this week, No. 1 daughter heading back to college next weekend, and No. 1 son starting college in two weeks. Add in 8 lia sophia parties in July and one of the hottest summers on record, and I'm still reeling.
I am going to get these walls painted. I am going to get the counters done. I am going to build at least two huge cabinets in the soon to be office...I am, I am, I am!
And it's probably going to be in September, because I'm having a big yard sale in a couple of weekends. Another reason the projects are on hold. I've been dredging out the basement. Then it's on to the barn. Do you have any idea how much stuff can accumulate in 20 years? I've had lots of garage sales over the years...so where does all this stuff come from?
Before Jamie returns to school, she asked me to do some mending and alter some jeans and a dress. While the sewing machine was set up, I decided to take in the legs of a couple pair of jeans I bought at a garage sale. They were a little too flared for my taste, so I slimmed them down to a boot cut.
Since I haven't blogged a single project, let alone anything else in way too long, I decided to
There are a few tricks that help make the job easier and faster, so I'll share those too. Fair warning, this is a picture intensive post.
The tools and supplies you will need are:
Sewing machine (one that will handle heavy seams)
sharp sewing scissors
seam ripper
heavy duty straight pins
heavy duty thread (see below)
First I laid a pair of jeans I like on top of the new jeans. Turn them inside out and lay them so the fronts face up. You can see that I needed to take off at least an inch from each side.
Following the line of the top jeans, pin the new jeans where you want the new seams to be. Note where the two pair of jeans become about the same size at about the knee. Put a pin sideways at that point on each side of the knee. That marks the point that you will start as you taper your new seams. Leave all these pins in until I tell you to take them out (now I sound like my mother...my daughter would say I sound like her mother ;0). Really though, you don't want to take them out too soon, or you won't know where to stitch later.
Work can commence! Before commencing however, you will need some heavy duty thread. You can buy "jean thread," but the colors are very limited and it's expensive. I wanted a thread to match the original topstitching on my jeans. I used regular "heavy duty" thread, by Coats and Clark. I can't remember the color name, but the color number is 8530. It looks like this:
First you need to let the hem out about 3 inches on each side of the seams. The toughest spot to cut is at the seams. You may need to slip your seam ripper under the hem at each seam and gently cut the stitches from underneath. Be careful not to cut the fabric.
If you want to rip the whole hem out and resew it later, you can. It might be faster than the way I did it. Instead I used the following method. On each side of the seam, I used my seam ripper to carefully pull each stitch out, without cutting the thread. I pried the stitch up with the back of my seam ripper, or with a pencil if I felt it was going to snap.
When I got about 3 inches away from the seam I stopped and left the threads intact. There will be a piece of hem thread on each side of the hem like this:
Don't cut those threads. You will be knotting them later. For now, just leave them, in case you need to take out a few more stitches. Unroll the hem like this:
The edges are also finished using a factory zigzag stitch. All these seams need to be ripped out up to the knee or wherever you put the pins at the point you want to start tapering the leg. Be sure to clip the seam about 1/4 inch under that pin so you don't end up pulling out more seam than you intended.
Most jeans seams are looped seams that will pull out fairly easily when clipped at the right spot and on the right end. It works like a potato sack; when you find the right thread to pull, you can pull the whole seam out at once. The trick is finding the right thread. I have a very sophisticated method...not! I just snip a little at each end of my seam and start pulling threads to try to find it. If it doesn't work, I just snip again and I always find it. Once you find it, it's like magic!
The finished zigzag edge is more of a pain. I've found the easiest way to deal with it is to use my seam ripper to rip through the outer edge like so:
Then I just rip out the rest of it however works best, either with the seam ripper or scissors. Now both seams should be open. You will see that the back leg is wider than the front leg. It is important that when you take up the leg, you keep it that way, or you will have a seam that ends up twisted towards the front or back. The back leg will be about a 1/2" to 3/4" wider than the front on each side.
You first want to work on the outer seam. This is the seam that has topstitching on the outside, and is sometimes flat felled. First, iron the front leg down along the pinned line. It will gradually taper off toward the knee. This is where your new seam will be on the front leg. Open it back out. You will have a visible crease to mark where the new seam will be.
Open the front seam back out and trim about 1/2" away from the crease. It should taper towards the knee, eventually running back into the original seam.
Next trim the back leg about 1/2" away from the front leg. Repeat this procedure on the other seam (the inside seam). Now you can take your pins out.
At this point, if you have a flat felled seam, you will skip the next step. I will post how to handle a flat felled seam later.
Starting at the knee, repin the front and back legs together, matching the edge of the seams. Remember, the back leg is larger, so be sure you aren't pinning a crease into it.
Starting at the bottom of the leg, resew the outside leg seam following your crease line from ironing, tapering into the original seam at the knee. Back stitch. At this point I rezigzag the edges so they don't fray.
To reduce bulk in the hem at the seam, clip the bottom of the hem as follows:
First clip along the bottom most creased line of the hem. Clip towards the seam to about 1/8 inch from the seam stitching.
Next clip up from the bottom of the hem along the seam line, again 1/8 inch from the seam. You are cutting a bit of bulk from the hem. so that when you turn it up to sew, it won't be quite so thick.
You should now have a L-shaped "bite" out of the hem like this:
Before sewing the inside seam, you'll want to topstitch this seam first. It's much easier while the other seam is still open. Open up the legs and iron the seam you just stitched, making sure it's not twisted.
Starting at the knee, where the original stitching stops, topstitch the new seam. You can either backstitch a couple of stitches or leave your starting threads long, pull them to the inside, knot and clip. Stitch all the way to the bottom of the hem.
Now you are ready to stitch the inside leg seam. Pin and trim your seam like you did for the outside seam. Stitch and zigzag the raw edges like you did with the first seam. Iron the seam flat, again without twisting it.
Finally it's time to resew the hem. Iron the seam, folding it back up on the original folds. If you took the whole hem out, start sewing near the inside seam, just on one side of it. I don't like to start on the seam itself because it is so bulky. The reason I start at the inside seam is that when I get back to my starting point, I backstitch to lock the threads. That backstitch will show, but won't be noticed on the inside of the leg.
If you only took out part of the hem you need to find the threads that you pulled out earlier. Remember these?
You are going to pull the thread on the outside of the hem to the inside. To do that, gently tug on the inside thread. You may need to pull it to the left and right a couple times, but you should see a loop pull up at the base of the thread. That is the thread from the other side.
Insert your seam ripper into that loop, but be sure to keep the cutting blade facing down, using the back of the seam ripper to gently pry that loop up. You don't want to cut it. You could also use a knitting needle or pencil to pry it up.
Pull it all the way through. Tie the two threads in a knot. I like to tie the knot three times to make sure it won't pull out. Then snip the threads, leaving about 1/4 inch tails. If you snip too close to the knot, it might pull out.
Repeat on the other 3 sets of threads (two for each seam). You are ready to stitch the hem back up. Insert your machine needle one or two stitches from the knot, into the original stitching like this:
Leave extra long thread as you will be knotting these the same way you just did.
Keep your thread pulled taut so that it doesn't get tangled underneath. Stitch until you reach the next stitches, then stitch two more stitches.
Pull jeans away from the machine, and clip the threads, leaving a long enough tail to be able to tie a knot. Pull these threads through to the inside and knot just like you did previously.
The advantage of pulling all these threads through and knotting them, is that you get a seamless look on the outside. As you can see below, you can barely see where the original thread starts and the new begins. The seam ripper is pointing to the spot where they meet. If you choose to skip all this, and just rip out the whole seam, be sure to start and backstitch your hem near the inside seam to hide the backstitching.
There you have it. You can see the before and after in the photo below.
I've linked this post to these parties. Be sure to pay them a visit for tons of great ideas!
Wow us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
Sundae Scoop at I Heart Naptime
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