Thursday, October 27, 2011

31 Days: Day 25 - Saving Face

If this is your first visit I welcome you to my little corner of the world! You might want to start at the introduction of this series. It explains what 31 Days of Change is, and has links to each day's post as they occur. Just click on the 31 Days to Slash Your Budget Painlessly button at the top of my sidebar on the right.

I'm at the age where I look in the mirror, put my fingers on my temples, and pull up to see what I used to look like. I have always had oily skin, which I think has held off the aging process a bit. People always tell me I look younger than I am, but time marches on and it's beginning to look like it marched all over my face!

Even at my age I still have problems with acne now and then. Many of the skin care systems aimed at old ladies women my age and older, cause my skin to break out.  I recently bought a two-week sample skin care regimen from Avon to try, called Anew Ultimate, for around $25, I think.  To buy the full size products would cost $95.  It doesn't say how long it would last, but three of the jars have 1.7 oz each in them.  I'm thinking two months tops.  It made me break out.  Gee I feel so young again...acne days are here again!

Don't get me wrong, I love Avon's products most of the time.  I had been without an Avon rep for years, so when I found one I went a little nuts the first couple of orders.  But whether it's Avon, Olay, Mary Kay, or Loreal, skin care products are expensive!  And I'm a one product kind of girl.  I really hate having to apply two or three or more products.

Because of my tendency for break-outs, I am still using Clean & Clear to wash my face, but it also really dries my skin out.  I can hear the woman at the make-up counter now..."So you want something, that will clean off make-up, dry up the acne, moisturize the rest of your face, and reduce elephant skin wrinkles, all in one product. " If I've shown restraint and she is still standing at the end of that, I would reply..."For $95, why yes...yes I would."

I recently read about a homemade skin cleaner on Pinterest.  It consists of two or three ingredients: extra virgin olive oil and castor oil, with a little tea tree oil for acne if you like.  I had the last two and ordered a 16 oz. bottle of NOW foods castor oil from Amazon for $7.35.  My olive oil was around $4.00 for a 16 oz. bottle.  I used 3 parts castor oil to 1 part olive oil (recommended for oily skin).  You'll have to go read about it at Simple Mom. There are other oils you can use too, and different recommendations for different skin types.

I will be totally honest and tell you I would personally never pay anywhere near $95 for skin care.  But even if I don't have to buy my normal cleanser or moisturizer anymore,  I will easily save $6.00 a month.  If you do purchase more expensive face cleaners, you could stand to save a lot if this works for you.  It's worth a try.  I can tell you my skin feels amazingly soft after washing, instead of feeling like it's going to crack if I smile.  I haven't used it long enough to make a complete judgement yet, but the early results have me smiling...without cracking!

If you are benefiting from this series, I’d love it if you would grab my button from the top of my sidebar. I will be back with another money saving tip tomorrow. I will keep up a running tally of my savings at the bottom of each new post. Just scroll down to the bottom to see. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll be back!

My tally so far:

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