If this is your first visit I welcome you to my little corner of the world! You might want to start at the introduction of this series. It explains what 31 Days of Change is, and has links to each day's post as they occur. Just click on the 31 Days to Slash Your Budget Painlessly button at the top of my sidebar on the right.
Have you discovered Pinterest yet? It is one of the top three sites I visit when I log onto my computer everyday. Although if you are not careful, you can waste hours browsing Pinterest, it is also a great tool and an excellent source for homemade gift ideas. Here are some ideas I've found:
Cute Tear-off Grocery List for Mom
Hershey Kisses in a Whisk for the Awesome Baker
Ruffled T-shirt Dress for the Young Fashion Diva
Stenciled Onsie for Baby
Although we will still buy many of our Christmas gifts this year, I've decided to make at least one item for everyone on our list. It will save about $120 of our Christmas budget this year.
If you are benefiting from this series, I’d love it if you would grab my button from the top of my sidebar. I will be back with another money saving tip tomorrow. I will keep up a running tally of my savings at the bottom of each new post. Just scroll down to the bottom to see. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll be back!
My tally so far:
Have you discovered Pinterest yet? It is one of the top three sites I visit when I log onto my computer everyday. Although if you are not careful, you can waste hours browsing Pinterest, it is also a great tool and an excellent source for homemade gift ideas. Here are some ideas I've found:
Cute Tear-off Grocery List for Mom
Hershey Kisses in a Whisk for the Awesome Baker
Flavored Sugar for the Awesome Cook
Sweet Rosebud Headband for a Sweet Little Girl
Scrapbook Covered Coasters for the Perfect Hostess
Ruffled T-shirt Dress for the Young Fashion Diva
Stenciled Onsie for Baby
Sisal Bowl Filled with Fruit for Anyone
DIY Photo Canvas for Dad
Log Carrier for Dad
Heating Pad for Grandpa or Grandma
Leather Bracelet from a Belt for Teenager
Decorated Flip Flops for any Female
Vinyl Decorated Candle for Mom
Fabric Covered Magnetic Board for Grandma
Although we will still buy many of our Christmas gifts this year, I've decided to make at least one item for everyone on our list. It will save about $120 of our Christmas budget this year.
If you are benefiting from this series, I’d love it if you would grab my button from the top of my sidebar. I will be back with another money saving tip tomorrow. I will keep up a running tally of my savings at the bottom of each new post. Just scroll down to the bottom to see. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll be back!
My tally so far:

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