Ohhhh...my brain hurts. I've been working on taxes, which is why you haven't heard from me this week. Motrin has been my best friend the last few days. The headaches have been intense!
I am almost there. I'm just poking my head up from under the mountain of paperwork to let you know I haven't kicked the bucket...although taxes usually make me want to kick something!
I had to take a wee break because my brain was freezing up worse than our oldest computer. Grab a cup of joe and feast your eyes on these random gorgeous images from Pinterest. Ok, everybody now, Ooooooh...Ahhhhhh!
I am almost there. I'm just poking my head up from under the mountain of paperwork to let you know I haven't kicked the bucket...although taxes usually make me want to kick something!
I had to take a wee break because my brain was freezing up worse than our oldest computer. Grab a cup of joe and feast your eyes on these random gorgeous images from Pinterest. Ok, everybody now, Ooooooh...Ahhhhhh!
I just want to climb up here, pull the covers over my head,
go to sleep and forget there is
such a thing as tax returns.
When I wake up I want to
create something in this space.
create something in this space.
I want this snow and ice outside my window
to go bye bye,
and summer to arrive tomorrow.
I want to light some of these,
send the family off to do their own thing,
put on my music, and break out the good chocolate.
I want to take my laptop out here,
browse blogs and pinterest all afternoon,
and maybe take another nap.
I want to drool over this mirror turned headboard.
Oh...hey! I got that wish.
Excuse me while I wipe off my keyboard.
I want my family to make me this card
to show me how much they appreciate
the time and brain cells I'm putting
into doing everyone's taxes myself.
If you stuck with me to the end, thank you for allowing me to indulge myself in this self-centered little "I want" party. Now I think I can go kick those taxes in the butt so I can make at least one of these "want's" come true...primarily the nap!