Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What We Accomplished Wednesday #4 + Tuesdays Top Ten

This week has been a bit slow for me.  Did I just call myself slow?  No comment.  Most of what I accomplished was dirty, knitty, gritty work.  I've been sorting through craft & DIY supplies.  It's taking me forever, because every little thing is being evaluated as to whether it's a keeper, a giveaway or a throw away.

I have a lot of stuff...I mean a lot!  So I carry a load down to the basement, fill up the table and start. Often my brain stalls, kind of like when the computer hangs up.  It's funny how the little decisions are much harder for me than big ones.  Start a business?  No problem.  I jump in feet first.  Decide whether to keep some paper twist I've had forever?  Hem, haw, hem haw...

I did decide to keep it, and I'm so glad I did.  Here is what I made with it.  I posted about that here.  I will do a tutorial later this week.

I also shared my industrial bins here.

Now lets get to the features and party!  Due to time crunch I am combining Tuesdays Top Ten with this weeks party.  I don't know where to start.  It was so hard to only pick ten!  If I had the time, I'd feature every one of you.  This weeks top visited link was a tie!

Rebecca from A Gathering Place created the sweetest little vintage lamp!  I'm loving the script wrapped candle cover.

Distressed Donna Down Home took a wire basket from ho hum to vintage awesome!

Suzanne at Pieced Pastimes shared her ruffled pillow tutorial.  Isn't it darling?  I am so making this!

Hello?  Valentines Day idea anyone? Homespun With Love shows how to wrap a favorite candy bar like this. Yes, please!

Stacey from Real Southern Living Blog created this beautiful cover for her Kindle Fire.  I love the chevron and dots together!

 You won't believe the transformation of this beautiful hutch by Suymaya at Evocative Vintage!  Pop over and see what she started with.

Oh my chicken feeders!  Are these numbered, galvanized feeders not awesome?  I think I'll be checking out some farm sales this summer. You can check these out at My Salvaged Treasures.

Kristin at 9th & Mayne, recovered her bench with a dropcloth.  Those pleats had me at hello...and get a load of that wall above it!

Jenna from Rain On A Hot Tin Roof took this french dresser from outdated to Ka-Pow! 

My heart goes pitter patter every blinkin time I see lettered or numbered galvanized anything.  It did a fast trot when I saw this at The North End Loft.

If you were featured, feel free to grab my feaured button over on the right sidebar.

Now it's your turn.  What did you accomplish this week? You can also share an older project if you haven't linked it up here before.  It can be anything you accomplished and are proud of!


  1. How fun, I am so thrilled to be linked up. Great features and thanks for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  2. Thank you so much for the feature though my blog title is Distressed Donna Down Home, but the link works. I thought you might have been spying at my efforts to clean up my craft stash I call Horror Monster. I was laughing when you described how you were sorting through yours. I found myself today looking through a baggie of ticket stubs and old receipts debating where to file them! The baskets are now sporting their feature button proudly. I am glad this party is growing - I love the links here.

  3. Thank you so much for hosting Deborah, have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    xo, Tanya

  4. Thank you so much for the feature!:) Its an honour to party with so many wonderful and talented bloggers!

    Happy everything!

  5. Great features!!! Thanks so much for hosting

  6. Thank you for the party. Hope you have finished and survived your craft room re-do. Happy Valentines Day andi

  7. Thank you for including me in your features, Deborah. I enjoy your parties!

  8. Thanks for featuring my chest and hosting the party!

    I'm having an Advertising Giveaway on my blog! Would love it if you entered. Just go here for all the details: http://www.rainonatinroof.com/2013/02/free-advertising.html

    Jenna @ http://rainonatinroof.com

  9. Such a nice surprise to see my 'Ruffled Pillow Tutorial' featured among all the other lovely features. Thanks so much.
    Have a Wonderful Week,

  10. Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to your party. I appreciate it!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  11. Thanks for hosting this beautiful party and thanks for inviting me!!
    Have a lovely day!

  12. Thank you so much for featuring my galvanized chicken feeders and for hosting this fun party. So much eye candy!

  13. Thank you so much for organizing such a fun party and highlighting my galvanized chicken feeders. Such lovely things! You can ask these guys for assistance if you really need it with an essay or your schoolwork. You'll be able to save time and money because they are really skilled at what they do. Visit classification essay topics while having fun. Enjoy!


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