
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I was featured at Remodelaholic!! Sqeeeal!

Squeeeeeal! I've been featured by Cassity at Remodelaholic!! She featured my Ceiling Medallion Turned Wall Art.   If you been hiding under a rock (kidding :) and don't know who she really, really need to! She and her hubby have done amazing house remodels, and she features the best projects from around the blogosphere. If you're looking for tons of great inspiration...she can link you up with amazing craftswomen and their projects.  Thank you Cassity for the feature...I'm very honored!

I've been a bad blogger lately. Sorry I haven't been posting, but I've been so covered up with other things right now. I am stripping the wallpaper in my youngest son's room and I'm almost finished. Then I'll have lots of spackling and sanding to do before I can actually paint. I have a fuzzy vision of what his room will look will come together as I go.

We also finally set up the pool, been trimming more flower beds and spending time with out of town company.  Nothing glamorous.  Sorry to be so boring...but I will soon have more fun stuff...I really, really hope! 


  1. Congratulations on the feature. That's exciting news! Sounds like you are having a wonderful, busy summer!!

  2. YAY! You totally deserved it! That medallion was AMAZING; and you did a GREAT job!! :)

  3. Yes, I saw your creation on Remodelholic. I know it is quite the honor to be a guest on her blog! Great job, I thought it was amazing!

  4. Hi Deb....your medallion was worthy of being featured. It turned out beautifully.
    Sounds like your summer has been really busy.
    I think it's been a pretty good summer up here. LOTS of rain last night..but we needed it.


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