
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Some wonderful blogger friends

I have been totally remiss. It's been at least two weeks since I received two more versatile blogger awards from Michelle over at Emerald Cove and Jennifer at Southern Inspirations. It's been incredibly busy around here, but I've had a few days off from projects and it is past time to acknowledge these awards and these lovely ladies.

I feel so blessed to have gotten to know Michelle through our blogs. It feels like we've known each other for ages, though it's just been weeks...and we've never met in person. She is the sweetest gal you could meet. I am listening to the playlist on her blog as I type this.

Here are a some projects Michelle has shared on her blog:

Oh are definitely going to want to pay Michelle at visit at Emerald Cove.  You will thank me later!

I just met Jennifer from Southern Inspirations recently and hope to get to know her better.  She is a new blogger on the block and has some seriously cute projects like these:

Please pay these sweet gals a visit, and tell them I sent you.

Now I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself and pass this on to 15 new to me blogs.  I told 7 somewhat silly things about myself in a previous post, so this time I will be a bit more serious.
  • I married my highschool sweetheart 29 years ago and he's put up with me through thick and thin all that time...I think I'll keep him ;)
  • I have had the honor and pleasure of homeschooling our three children their whole lives. 
  • My faith in God has gotten me through some very tough times like when my husband had a very bad heart attack at the age of (almost) 43 and we almost lost him.  God has been faithful to us.
  •  I used to be painfully shy growing up.  Something happened somewhere along the line and I lost most of that shyness.  Now you might have a hard time shutting me up!
  • I wanted to be a decorator since I was a young girl...never have except in my own home...but I really, really enjoy it!
  • We have the most wonderful family and friends.  God has blessed us richly.
  • I can hang a spoon on the end of my nose...LOL!  Sorry I couldn't help be a little silly.
Now I wish to pass this award on to these lovely bloggers:

Marcy at Antique Chase
Courtney at French Country Cottage
Kolein at Kitchen Table Productions
Kathleen at Between Blue and Yellow
Tracy at Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures
Amanda at The Hand Me Down House
Bonnie at Creative Decorating on a Budget
Ali at Honey and Maple Syrup
Sarah at Modern Country Style
Karen at Never Enough Thyme Creation
Donna at My Shabby Chateau
Amy at Playing Sublimely
Lois at Frugal Decor Mom
Adrianne at Dream Book Design


  1. yeah congrats! you deserve it!!
    impressive with the spoon lol

  2. Aww you are the sweetest! I am so glad to have met you too and one day we will meet in person!
    It was so nice to get to know you a bit better and I am so glad that your husband is ok now, I know how scary that is! and I love it that you can hang a spoon on your nose! I knew you were so talented! :)

  3. You have a beautiful family. Nice of you to share your heart and talent (spoon trick included :) I was painfully shy as a kid, too. You have a great blog!

  4. Spoon on the end of your nose? You MUST take a picture for all of us to see!!!

    Thank you so much for the award! Thank you for thinking of me!

    MIchelle's home is beautiful!

    And congratulations of getting the award, too!


  5. Thank you so much Deborah!!! You are just the sweetest! Congratulations on the award and for thinking of my blog too!! I gave you a blog award last week too- you will have to check out my post a few posts back for the lovely blog award! :)

  6. How have I been missing these ladies?? :)
    Thanks for the suggestions!


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