
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tornado Hits Close to Grandma's & Popcorn is Gone!

My heart and prayers go out to all those affected by the tornadoes ravaging the midwest.  One hit particularly close to home for me.  My late grandma, who passed away last year, lived south of Bedford, Indiana, on Brown Station Road, just about a quarter mile from Highway 50.  The tornado hit the corner we always turned at to get to her house.   In fact one of the homes hit there was her next door neighbors daughter's home.  They've been showing picture of it on the Weather Channel.

Grandma seemed to live in tornado alley.  Their farm was hit more than once over the years, uprooting trees in the back pasture, and once, taking down a tree right in front of the house.  Grandma lived alone right up until her death at age 93.  I am grateful she didn't experience this alone in her house.  I still have family there in Bedford,  as well as friends in Columbus, who had a tree uprooted in their yard.  I've been praying for safety for friends and family, and thankful that none of them were hurt.

On a more cheerful note, I am happy to report that the popcorn texture on my kitchen and living room ceilings is GONE!!



I just have to finish wet sanding the kitchen ceiling today.  Then I'm switching gears tomorrow to catch up on laundry and housecleaning in preparation for company over Memorial Day weekend. 

We have decided to move the date of Tyler's graduation to July 16th, which gives me another month to prepare.  I was beginning to panic at the thought of being ready by June 11th.  I'm breathing easier now.  Well, I'd better stop talking and get crackin'.  See you on the other side of Memorial Day.  Have a great weekend y'all.


  1. I am thinking about you and your family and friends there, I just can't believe all these storms!
    Your ceiling is looking great so far!! Can't wait to see everything once it is all done.

  2. My heart is just aching for everyone touched by the storms. It's so crazy!
    Great job on the ceiling -- that is so much work!

  3. Scary all this crazy weather. Glad your grandma is okay. We have been slowly getting rid of our popcorn ceilings too. Who ever thought they were a good design idea?


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