
Monday, October 24, 2011

31 Days: Day 22 - Rolling in the Dough

If this is your first visit I welcome you to my little corner of the world! You might want to start at the introduction of this series. It explains what 31 Days of Change is, and has links to each day's post as they occur. Just click on the 31 Days to Slash Your Budget Painlessly button at the top of my sidebar on the right.

Once again, I did not have a post for Sunday. Are we sensing a pattern here? It seems I am destined not to post on Sundays. Maybe there is a reason for that...hmmm.  I will make up the missing posts though...that is if I can come up with enough ideas! I admit I am running out.

Today I want to talk about dough...bread dough that is. I have always hated making bread. I hate to knead and my bread always falls flat. I stink at making bread. Now baking cookies, cakes, pies...that I can do well. But I decided I'm going to face my nemesis and win.

The bread we buy cost us about $2.00 a loaf and we generally go through two loaves a week for sandwiches. At $4.00 per week that is costing us $208 per year. That's my motivation.

Recently I purchased Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.  You can buy it on Amazon starting at $13.99.  You can also visit the authors' website for tips and updates here.

There are many different dough recipes in it. They are "wet" doughs that you keep in the refrigerator and break off a piece when you want to bake a loaf of bread. I've tried one recipe for the dough so far and it was good. There are three recipes I plan to try for Soft American-Style White Bread, Light Whole Wheat Bread, and Crusty White Sandwich Loaf.  The Soft American White recipe would cost me .49 cents a loaf, saving me $1.50 a loaf, $3.00 a week, and $156 a year. 

What I love about these breads is that you do not knead them.  Now that is right up my alley!  You mix them up in a 5 - 6 quart container with a lid, pull of a hunk when you want to bake a loaf, shape it and let is rise according to the recipe, then pop it in the oven.  The doughs take just a couple minutes to stir together, and about 5 minutes or less to prepare for simple! 

Sorry I haven't pretested these, but it's been a little crazy lately.  I will write a post when I have tried them...soon I promise :)

If you are benefiting from this series, I’d love it if you would my button from the top of my sidebar. I will be back with another money saving tip tomorrow. I will keep up a running tally of my savings at the bottom of each new post. Just scroll down to the bottom to see. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll be back!

My tally so far:  (Whoo hoo!  I just exceeded my goal of saving $200 a month!)

1 comment:

  1. These look great!! I never bake bread because of all the work, ok, not that it is much work but kneading does take a bit. :) Let me know how these turn out I would love fresh baked bread more often.


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