
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When Bloggers Meet

Wow! This 31 Days series I'm doing is challenging me! Not only is it challenging me find ways to save some mula, but it is a challenging task to blog every . single . day. I am stoked about the savings I am racking up, but I will be truthful and tell you that I'll be glad to get back to my regular programing!

In that spirit I have to share with you the absolutely lovely day I had yesterday with fellow blogger, Debbie, from The Lake House.  It was the first time we've met in person, and actually the first blogging friend I've ever met in person!

She is an absolute delight.  I had such a wonderful time getting to know her.  I felt a kindred spirit through her blog and it was confirmed yesterday.  We went shopping in a nearby town with more stores than either of us has in our own towns.  We are both Debbie's, we were both oohing and aahing over the same things, we both like to go thrift shopping, and most importantly we are sisters in Christ.  It was such a refreshing day.

The only bad thing was that I took my camera and completely forgot to get a picture of us together.  We were having so much fun I just didn't even think of it!

I did come home with some treasures too.  Maybe my next 31 Days post should be "Leave your Wallet at Home!"  Actually, I so rarely do this and I had money set aside, but I could have bought a lot many pretty things.

I took a list and I actually got everything on my list!  That never happens.  The main thing I wanted was some mercury glass and boy did I score!  I've never seen it in my hometown.  There is one store that might carry it (though I've never seen it), but their prices are, well, a bit out of my comfort zone.  We went to Hobby Lobby and the prices were unbelievable...and in a good way!  Here are my first pieces of mercury glass.

I am in love with these pieces!  Look at the detail on the tall silver jar.

These blue pieces are still my beating heart!

I also bought these awesome chippy planters.  

Debbie (the other Debbie) bought some too.  Take a look at how pretty hers are arranged.  I just plunked mine on a counter and shot a quick picture.

I had a Bath and Body coupon for a free signature item with a $10 purchase.  Score at least one Christmas gift.  I needed socks from Dress Barn, because they are the only place within an hour and a half of me I can get socks my size...yes I have big feet.  I'm tall so I guess I need skiis to support me!  Scored the socks too. I also found the Goodwill store after Debbie left town.  Sorry Debbie, but next time I'll know where it is ;)  I'll share my purchases from there later.  This post is long enough for now, and I have to get started on my 31 days post!


  1. This is a real treasure!

    Have a nice day and best regards.

    Come back to my blog:)

  2. Love what you found and how awesome that you also found a blog buddy! I think that is what I am missing. Someone who understands and loves the same things I love! My friends and family don't really get it but they try.

    I didn't realize Dress Barn had larger size socks! I almost 6' tall wearing a size 10 but the regular socks don't fit well even though they say to size 10! I have bought men's dress socks instead for work! I will have to check out Dress Barn!

    Have a great week. You are doing awesome on your 31 days!

  3. So glad you got to meet and spend time with a new friend. What a blessing for both of you.

    Love your mercury glass pieces.

  4. Your mercury glass vignette is wonderful sitting with that AWESOME clock, Debbie!!!!!
    You found a GW up there??? cool!
    I had my camera in my purse also..LOLOLOL...I wish I had remembered to take a time.
    Enjoy your weekend Debbie.


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