
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tray with Old World Finish and Craft Room Progress

In my last post I talked about the three P's that sometimes prevent me from finishing projects.  Two other things that used to (and sometimes still do) stop me cold, are boredom and difficulties.  When a project is a big one, I can easily get bored.  Other times I run into problems.  Things don't work out the way I thought they would, or go badly wrong.

When that happens, sometimes it's okay to give up, but usually I just need to take a break.  That's when I tackle a small, easy project.  The satisfaction of finishing something, and doing it well, shakes me out of the boredom and gives me courage and renewed energy to take that difficult project back on.  Stepping away from the big project for awhile lets my mind work on the problem subconsciously.  Often,  I think of a better way to tackle it and sometimes it leads me in a whole new direction.

One of the projects in my craft room fell into the difficult category.  What should have been easy, wasn't. Things aren't going well.  Here's a hint:

Yep...time to take a break.  I pulled out a tray I picked up at a flea market for FREE.

 I've been drooling over Rosemary's old world finishes at Villabarnes.  I didn't have gesso, so I mixed up a cup of white chalk paint using Susan's recipe at Homeroad.

First I primed with dark gray primer leftover from my son's bedroom floor.

After that dried, I applied the chalk paint with a paint brush over the whole piece before rubbing most of it back off.

I. Am. In. Love.

Now I think I can go back to the big project, if I can stop staring at this tray that is.  You have to try this finish on!  It is so simple, so fast, and so amazing!  Thank you Rosemary for the inspiration!

Update:  I didn't realize until now that I used satin paint instead of flat.  I had about 3 paints out and grabbed the satin, but was very pleased with how it turned out.  Also I did not use any top finish on it.  I liked the way it looked and didn't want to mess it up.

This post was featured at Villabarnes, the inspiration for my tray.  Thank you Rosemary.  I am so honored!


I've linked to these awesome parties...come join the fun!


The Shabby Nest

Fridays Unfolded

Rooted In Thyme

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
I Heart Nap Time
It's OVerflowing

RomanceOnADime.comThe DIY Dreamer


  1. Well, well, well. I am impressed. So happy to have provided the inspiration for this beautiful tray. Thanks for the shout out. You rocked it!

  2. Thanks for the info, Luv the tray, such an awesome job. I have the 3 P's!!!! I have been working on some new stuff also, I am going to try my hand at the technique you used on the tray. Hugs, Lynn

  3. Love the tray. Great Job!! How is the craft room progressing?

    Hope all is well.

    xoxo Faye

  4. I just came by way of Rosemary's blog. This was really lovely! I just joined your blog. I am a home school mom as well. It is nice to have found your blog!

  5. To be honest, I love the way the tray looked before you painted but it looks amazing after as well! Love this idea. I collect trays like crazy so I will definitely be trying this.

  6. Yep, sometimes you just have to walk away, isn't this technique easy!! I love doing it, but I only like it projects like we did with some detail in it, not a flat surface. Although Rosemary seems to have great success on flat surfaces!


  7. I've been wanting to try Rosemary's techniques (Villabarnes), too. I think she's a true artist and inspires me with her unique creations. (I bought my gesso, now I just need to buy some time.) Your tray is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it, as well as your thoughts about creative frustration. Very helpful.

  8. Love how your technique was used and the tray turned out awesome! Thanks for stopping by and visiting, would love for you to share this post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Everyone would be so inspired...


  9. although I liked the tray in it's green state, I absolutely love it how it is finished. I have admired Rosemary's work for some time, but have not jumped in and done anything.
    Thanks for inspiring me.
    also, great tip on the chalk paint. Gesso is expensive.

    barbara jean

  10. Did you wax it too? I've just completed redoing an old picture frame and think that I should wax it to finish it off. Love how your tray looks like old tarnished silver. Looks great on your sideboard.

    1. Thanks so much Heather!. No I did not wax it, or put any finish on it. I just liked the way it looked and didn't want to mess with it anymore.

  11. I just found your site through AtHomeWithK and joined. Love that tray!!! Hope I find one soon to transform. I homeschool also. We have two boys. Be well, Theda

  12. Your tray turned out wonderful ! Love it ! Your big project will turn out great too !

  13. What a beautiful job, Deborah Lynn! Wow! Looks like something right out of Rosemary's studio, girl! :) What did you rub it back with? Thanks for sharing your technique!

    xoxo laurie

  14. Oh Deborah!!! That is stunning! What a wonderful job!!!

  15. FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! The tray looks wonderful!! You got it for free?! Crazy!! It looks great!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality linky party!

  16. I love it too! It turned out great and looks really good on your shelves!

    @ Creatively Living

  17. Wow - I do LOVE the way that turned out!! It is so nice to admire projects after we finished, isn't it?

    I know what you mean about stepping away from a project and getting a small one done before you are inspired again to finish the big project. My moss wreath is one that was a big project, mostly because I was very indecisive about what detail to put on it. Now, I'm just admiring that it's done!

    I love the finish you have on this tray, though! I'll have to check out that chalk paint recipe!

  18. Oh, and thanks for linking up to Romance on a Dime! I always love seeing what you have to share!!


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