
Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Bird Cages

In Northern Michigan, spring comes late.  That's my excuse for not doing much spring decorating yet.  But Friday was sunny and warm.  I started seeds... which means it's spring to me.  In honor of this glorious occasion, I present my humble little birdcages that I've decorated for spring.

First they got a coat of Krylon hammered metal in silver.


A peek through the closed top

To the larger birdcage, I added spanish moss, a dried butterfly (found dead last year), wooden eggs painted blue and speckled with brown paint from a toothbrush.  The butterfly was gently hot glued to a twig.  

The smaller birdcage holds a candle 

I have planted seeds and decorated my birdcages.  It is spring...bring. it. on!

I've joined these fabulous parties. Come party with me!


  1. These are so springy and sweet. What a difference a coat of paint makes. I'm pinning one for my nest board:-)

  2. These look so pretty! I'm torn because I would really like to decorate with a birdcage (because of pictures like these!) but I know it would take up a lot of space to store it. Love the spray paint transformation!

    Claire @

  3. Very pretty, glad to hear spring has finally started in the North! Welcome Spring!! Hugs, Lynn

  4. The spring cages are beautiful!!! I have a cage and never think to do something with it... you have inspired me to take it out :)

    Thanks for sharing at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!! xoxo

  5. These birdcages look so adorable!! The transformation is gorgeous - nice job. Thanks so much for linking up to Romance on a Dime (I'm pinning this!).

  6. Those look great! I love the butterfly!

    @ Creatively Living

  7. Adorable. I love it and would love if you linked it up on my link party.

    I can't wait to see what you create next.


  8. Very, very pretty! Your bird cages turned out perfect! :)

  9. Love your bird cages.....the paint is going to get some of this and maybe paint mine...I live in Michigan, too, but about as far south as you can get!!

  10. So pretty! I really want some birdcages like yours to decorate with too!

  11. Looks like Spring has srung...:-) Your birdcages turned out beautiful. Love the difference a little paint can make, don't you?

    Hugs and Blessings,

  12. I love the finished look of the bird cages, they turned out so shabby chic. I love that look. Thanks for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays.


  13. Hi,
    Just found your blog. Your header is lovely and the birdcages, divine!
    I pray all goes well with your shoulder.
    New follower,

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