
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Subway Cross

In time for Easter, but with a message for forever, I created my Subway Cross from pallet wood. This old pallet was really beat-up and rotted.  I did manage to salvage two pieces to make my cross. The rest became fuel to warm my bones.

The horizontal part of the cross was a little too long, so I cut off the excess with my new Dremel Trio.  I just marked where I wanted the boards to cross and attached in the back with a couple of flat head screws (I drilled pilot holes first so as not to split the fragile wood).  I used my Silhouette Cameo and contact paper to create the stencil.  After applying the stencil to the cross, I rubbed it down very thoroughly, then lightly brushed on white acrylic paint, making sure to dab most of the paint off my brush, so I got an aged worn look. That was finish was added.

I love the nail holes that remind me of what Christ did for me...and you.  I'll be still now and let the pictures tell the message.

He did.
Oh yes, he did.

Have a blessed Easter.

My Subway Cross was featured here.  

Stuff and Nonsense

I've linked to these fabulous parties. Come join the fun!

shabby creek cottageBeyond The Picket Fence

Fridays Unfolded

Rooted In Thyme

Ivy and Elephants
I Heart Nap Time
It's OVerflowing


  1. Is there anything you can't do? I love the wood cross, wood is a passion of mine. I have so much reclaimed wood waiting to be painted. To me there is so much more meaning in "used" wood. Happy Easter, and may God bless you and your family. Hugs, Lynn

  2. I love everything about this cross. The old wood is right up my alley. And the subway art is perfect for a cross. I would proudly hand this in my home!
    Blessings, Jeanne.

  3. Your cross is a wonderful reminder of God's unfathomable love for us and his amazing grace in offering us eternal life. Great post.
    I'm a new follower and hope you'll stop by and follow back.
    Mary Alice

  4. This is gorgeous!!! What a beautiful reminder of His sacrifice for us...

  5. This is a wonderful way to write his Word on the doorpost of your heart and home! I might have to find me some old barn wood now!

  6. Wow this is really quite beautiful with a fabulous message. This is such a wonderful post! I would love it if you would share this at our WIW linky party. Hope to see you there.


  7. What a unique use for pallet wood? The old wood with the contemporary subway art - perfect!

  8. I will be making that beautiful rustic cross...
    Visit me for some Easter inspiration as well...
    Blessings Lori

  9. Awesome project! So nice stopping by to visit with you!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  10. Your cross touched me and brought tears to my eyes. Its's easy to get caught up in bunnies and eggs this time of year and forget the true meaning of Easter. Thank you for the beautiful reminder. It's perfect! Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving the nice comments about my pillows. Happy Easter!

  11. This cross tells it all. Thank you for reminding us, what Easter is about. Love It! Thank you for posting on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Perfect Post.


  12. I think this is one my most favorite subway art designs EVER. I have been trying to work on some cross ideas that are only a little similar to this, but didn't work and don't compare to this.

  13. This is wonderful , have an awesome Resurrection Day!

  14. Oh my goodness, I love this! What a perfect project for Easter :)

  15. Deborah, This is amazing - I am so thankful for what Jesus did - this is a perfect Easter tribute!
    Hope you have a Blessed week,

  16. Hi Deborah Lynn,
    Just had to tell you how much I love, love, love your subway cross. It is absolutely gorgeous. You did an awesome job. Hope you had a very beautiful, joyous and blessed Easter.

    Hugs and Kisses,
    Your newest follower,

  17. WoW! I'm not normally a fan of Subway Art, but this is so beautiful and kind of makes me think that I have been looking at Subway Art the wrong way (too "inside the box"). Thanks for sharing!


  18. This is AWESOME! Really beautiful! I'm a new follower :)

    Have a great weekend!

    Barbara @ Chase the Star

  19. Fabulous project, really love it :) I've featured it on Craft Gossip here Thanks!

  20. This is a piece that really speaks to me. If I displayed it in my home I would sit and meditate.


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