
Monday, May 13, 2013

Pinteresting Monday - Propogating Roses

How was your Mother's Day?  I hope you had as nice a day as I did.  My family took me out to lunch at Applebees after church ...yum!  Then we went to visit Ken's mom and took her a hanging flower basket with a gorgeous fushia.  We went home for a couple of hours, I baked a crumb topped apple pie, which we took to my mom and dad's.  She got a pretty flower basket too.  We played four games of Euchre and ate too much pie.  (Mom had made a strawberry pie too!)

I received a beautiful new rose for Mother's Day this year.  It is a Cherish floribunda, which will bloom all summer.  It isn't blooming yet, but here's what the flowers will look like.

I can't wait to see it in full bloom!   Many years ago I received another beautiful rose bush, from my family, for Mother's Day.   Here is a picture of it from my back deck.  It is my favorite rose.

My daughter took these pictures of it and made a gorgeous framed collage for me a few years ago.  I just love it!

I've always wanted more of them, but haven't seen them for sale around here anymore.  I decided to try my hand a propogating a couple from mine, and found this idea on Pinterest.

For now I just tried two stems, cut from the same branch.  If they don't succeed, I'll wait until fall to try again.  I imagine I will have to protect them from our zone 4/5 winter as they aren't grafted onto a hardy root stock.

So what Pinteresting thing have you done lately?

This post is linked to these awesome parties!


  1. I hope this works, because I have a couple of roses that I would like to propagate.I looks so simple. I am going to give this a try. Thanks for sharing. I am your newest GFC.
    Have a wonderful week,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  2. Your Mother's Day celebrations sound wonderful!! And your new rose is a stunner!! I have never heard of that propagation method...can't wait to see how it works out for you. :)

  3. Okay, that is a very cool idea...I've been wanting to try "making my own roses" but it seems so tricky. I always have a potato lying around, so I'll give this a go. :)


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