
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What We Accomplished Wednesday #24

Want to be a pin-up girl?  Join the party, and if you are featured, I'll pin your project to my Green Willow Pond Features Board!

Did you all survive the heat last week?  I almost had a complete meltdown.  I finally couldn't take it anymore and went to spend a night at my parents air conditioned home.  I couldn't believe it when my hubby told me to order an air conditioner from Home Depot.  He installed it the next day in the living room.  I spent two nights sleeping on the couch because our upstairs bedroom was unbearable.  But at least I could sleep at home!

We took a trip downstate to move our daughter's belongings home from her college apartment.  We went to Gilmore Car Museum.  It was amazing!  I posted about that here. Isn't the color on this classic beauty perfect!

Thank you all for linking up last week.  It looks like you managed to beat the heat and turn out some awesome projects!  Here is the Top Ten line up from the party.

Can you believe this beautiful armoire was once a TV cabinet?  Mary, at Orphans With Makeup transformed this piece!

Terry, at Forever Decorating, shows off the beautiful and peaceful sanctuary that is her backyard!  

This masculine dresser was redone by Faye, at The Shabby Cottage Home.  I love the paint job and those amazing handles!

Kristina, at Thrifty Southern Pilgrim, transformed this adorable little table.  She hand painted the detail on the apron.  Love it!

I have some suitcases I've been wanting to paint for some time.  Love this one done by Deborah, at Ramshackle Romance!

Lisa, at Create Inspire Me, was waiting for the perfect nightstands for her bedroom.  She scored this awesome pair and made the gorgeous with paint!

Always the romantic, Penny, from Penny's Treasures, spiffed up this corner of her sunroom with some thrifted treasures.  Spot of tea anyone?

I love the curvy lines of this kidney desk, painted by Kyra at Chateau Revivals.  Isn't it pretty!

This is one huge boxwood topiary.  Elisha, at Pneumatic Addict, made it herself and saved hundreds!  Isn't it impressive?

And last, but not least, my mouth is watering over these Mud Pie Mocha Brownies made by Nici at Posed Perfection.  These are a must try!

Now it's your turn.  What amazing things have you been up to?

Da Simple and Easy Rules

1. Only projects you have made/accomplished pretty please. Items for sale are okay, as long as they are in tutorial form, and linked to your blog post.  No links to shops or Etsy stores, please.  Link up to 3 posts

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See my pretty new BUTTONS on my side bar. When you link back you will have a chance to be featured!

3. By linking up here, you are giving me permission to feature you here, on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest.  I'll only use 1-2 pictures from your post and link back to you. Then people will be flocking to your blog to read all about it!!  Spreadin' the love around baby!    

*Note - After your first link-up, as a courtesy, I will email you each week to let you know when the party is up and running. If at any time you wish to be taken off the list, just shoot me an email with unsubscribe in the subject line. I use your email for this purpose only and never share it with anyone else.


  1. Thank you so much for including my sun room in your features this week! Hugs, Penny

  2. Deborah, thanks for hosting. Christine from Little Brags

  3. Your blog is gorgeous, and I love the features. Thanks for hosting!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting such fun party! Big hugs,

  5. Hi Deborah, awesome features. Love that armoire. I am just getting ready to redo one. Thanks for hosting.

  6. Hi Deborah, thanks for hosting, just shared my Incomplete Home Tour

  7. Hi Deborah, I'm so glad you were able to get an air conditioner. There's no place like home! Thanks for hosting and stopping over to check out my posts!

  8. Hi Deborah - I'm so honored that you featured my Armoire. Thank you so much. Let's hope that this heat wave gives away to some cooler weather. Have a great week!
    Mary @ Orphans With MakeUp

  9. Glad you are cool now. Here in South Alabama, we wouldn't be without AC.

    Thanks for the fun party.

  10. Thanks so much for the feature, you do such a great job!

    Katie @ The Shabby Cottage

  11. Hi again, just noticed you comment, In response to the chalk paint question, no I didn't this is actually a recycled latex paint that we use. I did however use a clear finish I think it was Minwax brand.

  12. Thanks Deborah for featuring my topiary! And thanks for hosting! Linking up again this week.

  13. Thank you so much for the party!
    Hope you are having a fantastic week so far.


  14. Hi Deborah! Always a pleasure to link up to your party! Thanks so much for hosting and thank you for featuring my Mud Pie Mocha Brownies. What a fun surprise! I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.

  15. Hi Deborah!
    Love that car that you posted! That would make my drive to work so much better every morning! The features look wonderful. I'll be heading over to visit them next. Thanks for hosting.

  16. Hi Deborah............thanks for the party. Enjoy having your daughter home. We suffered the heat in Maine and I am so glad it finally broke.......we had to finally put the AC in also.........Andi

  17. Thank you so much for the feature Deborah! What a nice way to start my day! :) I'm in love with that boxwood topiary, too *sigh*. Hope the rest of your week is fabulous!!

  18. Glad you got to cool down a little - it was brutal here too! And today - 60 degrees feels freezing! Thank you for your party! Stay cool! Julia

  19. Good morning. Yes, we were sweltering here in California also! We are a lot cooler this week. Thanks for hosting this party. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

  20. Great features, Deborah. Thanks for hosting your party!

  21. Awesome features Deborah! Thanks so much for hosting!


  22. Hi Deborah, thank you for your kind comments, I'm happy to join your party!

  23. Thank you for another great party!
    Love and hugs.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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