
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Candlelight Tray

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose...

That song has been going through my head for two weeks now.  After we got our tree up the other night, I lit the candles on my tray that I put together on the coffee table.  I love to turn the lights off at night and just have the tree lights and candlelight on.  It so relaxing and quiet, especially after my 14 year old is in bed.  I love him to death, but he is noise in motion.  Mom needs her quiet time late at night!

This is what it looks like during the daytime.  That would be my husbands foot peeking into the picture. I thought he had pulled it far enough back that it wasn't in the shot.  He was giving me the look.  You know, the "I am all relaxed here and you are going to disturb me to take pictures," look.  I wasn't asking for a retake :P

So while I was relaxing by candlelight, all by myself later that night, I jumped up and took these pictures.  I know...relaxing right?  I don't do relax very well.  But I did sit back down and enjoy it after that.  So now you go relax, turn on some Christmas music, or hum Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire to yourself, and enjoy the candlelight.  I'll shut up now and let you enjoy.

 Isn't it peaceful.  I know, I know...I don't do shut up very well either.

Hoping you enjoy this Christmas season and take some time out to relax and remember the Reason for the Season.  Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

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  1. That is gorgeous, Deborah. Isn't it amazing what a difference night/day light make in a room? It changes not only the look but the whole "feel" to a room- xo Diana

  2. Hi Deborah, I've been singing winter wonderland ever since our ice.
    Love your candlelight tray display. So cozy and inviting. You always put the nicest touch on everything.
    Thank you for sharing and the inspiration.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
    Hugs Celestina Marie

  3. I love your candle in a crate vignette, so so pretty!

  4. beautiful!!! Merry Christmas!


  5. I love candlelight at this time of the year and it makes amazing effects in your ornaments. Merry Christmas.

  6. New follower but I see no print under your buttons….

  7. So lovely and yes...relaxing. And the best can keep it up all winter long.

  8. Hi Deborah, I have had a two week break, but will be featuring your elegant tray at SYC tomorrow. Happy New Year!


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