
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What We Accomplished Wednesday #64

Want to be a pin-up girl? Join the party, and if you are featured, I'll pin your project to my Green Willow Pond Features Board!

It's been a cold and rainy fall here so far, but inside is cozy and warm. I brought out my fall decorations and started warming the place up this week. I'll be sharing more in the next couple of weeks. New this year is my drop cloth pumpkin that I fell in love with. I posted about it with a tutorial here.

As I stated in that post, my sweet friend, Debbie, from Lakehouse, gifted me with the crystals draped under my drop cloth pumpkin. Well, that was not all. The crystals were wrapped around the gift bag handle. Inside the bag were three beautiful treasures!

First is this gorgeous clock she had left from her shop that she closed. I had wanted to purchase one for my bedside, but that one had already been sold. I forgot about it, and was giddy when I found this one in my little bag of goodies! Now I just need to find a pretty little stand to put it on, but for now it is living on my kitchen bookshelves.

Debbie also made me this sweet little sachet that smells heavenly. I tucked it into one of these little french pots that I bought at TJ Maxx while we were shopping together in Gaylord. The egg is one I blew out from my very own chickens.

Isn't it pretty!

And finally, there was this pretty little doily tucked in. For now my silver compote (also bought at a thrift store on that same trip) rests on it, but I may sew it to a pillow later.

If you haven't visited Debbie at Lakehouse, you are missing out on a real treat. Not only is her lakeside cottage gorgeous, but she is a sweet soul.Tell her I sent you :)

There were so many wonderful links at our last party! Take a peek at the top ten here, then read on for the details!
First up we have this gorgeous kitchen remodel by Magali, from The Little White House. We've seen snippets of the remodel. Now here is the grand reveal!

Patti, from Old Things New, shared her beautiful velvet pumpkins. I refered to her tutorial, with a couple tweaks of my own to make my drop cloth ones. Aren't her's gorgeous?

Isn't this dresser amazing? Daena, at Bad Rabbit Vintage, shared how she refinished it and that her hubby may be laying claim to it! I'm hoping he does because it is stunning!

Martinel, from Martinel Art, created this lovely wedding book. I love the raised relief and pretty little framed rose in the middle!

I have a weak spot for industrial style shelves and these made me go a little weak at the knees. Kyla, from House of Hipsters, had the vision, and her hubby built it. Isn't it so cool?

Michelle, from the Painted Hinge, shared her cute fall "wreath," fashioned from a picture frame. Love the little chalkboard signs she can change out with the seasons.

Aren't these white pumpkins adorable? Lisa, from Mrs. Blackstone, found these wood pumpkins at a thrift store and painted them herself.

I've seen glass pumpkins, wood and fabric pumpkins, grapevine, and even REAL pumpkins, but I've never seen a metal one. Well this one isn't really metal, but it is faux painted to look like it...and I love it! Cassie, from Little Red Window shares how she created the look.

Check out this sweet lace and burlap garland made by the equally sweet Kristi, from Making it in the Mountains.

And for my insatiable sweet tooth, I am drooling over these Almond Joy Squares! Find the recipe shared by Kimberly at Lou Lou Girls.

Now it's your turn.  Show us what you've accomplished.  Can't wait to see what you've been up to!

The Simple and Easy Rules

1. Only projects you have made/accomplished pretty please. This means no round up of others projects, give aways etc. Items for sale are okay, as long as they are in tutorial form, and linked to your blog post.  No links to shops or Etsy stores, or round-up posts of others projects please.  Link up to 3 posts - please link posts new to this party.

2. Linking back to the party (text or button) within your post is very much appreciated . You can grab a button from the side bar if you like.

3. By linking up here, you are giving me permission to feature you here, on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and/or Pinterest.  I'll only use 1-2 pictures from your post and link back to you. Then people will be flocking to your blog to read all about it!!  Spreadin' the love around baby!
Most importantly, go visit some of the links because otherwise it wouldn't be a party would it? 

I am no longer automatically adding you to my email list to send out reminders about the party. If you want a reminder each week, just use the little sign up form below. You will only be signing up for party notifications. I will not use this list for anything else, nor will I ever share it with anyone. ever. period.



  1. I love all your goodies and the story behind it all. How fun to have had such a lovely time with your friend. Those hours are priceless!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting Deborah :) Enjoy your week!

  3. Good afternoon, Deborah! Thank you for hosting this fun blog party. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Great features!

    Thank you for hosting! It's nice to be able to join in the fun this time around! : - ) ~Michele

  5. Love the metallic pumpkin feature. Thank you for hosting.

  6. Your pumpkin is so cute, Debbie, and it looks really nice on the silver compote you found at the thrift shop. I like how you used the crystals, too!
    Thank you for the shout out about Lakehouse.
    When you are ready for another outing, just let me know!
    Love to you, sweet friend.

  7. Thanks for hosting each week, Deborah. Have a great week.

  8. Thank you for hosting Deborah! Have a great day.

  9. Wow, so many features! Thanks for hosting this week.

  10. Thanks so much for hosting the party Deborah. Your drop cloth pumpkin is really cute!

  11. Hi Deborah. Love all your little goodies and the features are fabulous. Thank you for hosting. Cathy

  12. Hello cute lady! I love stopping by and partying with you each week.Thank you for featuring us! I hope you get a chance to stop by our party. We would really appreciate it.
    Happy Wednesday! Lou Lou Girls

  13. Thanks for your kind comments about my decoupage pumpkin and for the invite to join your wonderful party! I'm linking up and plan on being here each week! Thank you so much for hosting! Where would we crafters be without people like you!

  14. He Deborah, Love all of your pretty touches! Thanks for hosting! Blessings,Cecilia

  15. Thank you so much for featuring my kitchen! It's so weird to see its picture on your blog, but so very flattering.


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