
Monday, June 7, 2010

Coming Up For Air

It's only been 4 days since I last posted, but it feels like a week. I have not done anything creative in that time. It's been all work and no play...ummm, except for playing in blogland, reading everyone else's blogs!

I took up the challenge to declutter my home and I've made a dent. My bedroom has been the main focus. Of course I couldn't just go through, pull the clutter, and move on. I tore my closet apart, pulled everything out, vacuumed and moved things around. Then I completely flip flopped dressers with my husband, because his was bigger and I have more junk clothes.

I also cleaned the house in preparation for a nice dinner for my parents to meet my son's girlfriend. Oh...and I potted up a flat and a half of flowers for the decks.

Today was my birthday. Mr. Greenwillow and my daughter, Jamie, made me lunch and fixed a cake. It was a nice quiet day. I didn't have to run anyone anywhere today, as both my teens had the day off. I putzed around, did some laundry, worked in the flower beds a little, watched some HGTV, worked a little bit on decluttering in the office, and watched a Harry Potter movie with my youngest son, Jared.

Mr. Greenwillow is on afternoons so he won't get home until very late. The kids are all in bed and I have a few quiet moments before I too go to bed, so I thought I would come up for air just to let you know I'm still here.

I have so many plans for every room in this house. When I took up The Challenge, presented by Donna at Funky Junk Interiors, I decided that the place to begin this whole house transformation was to purge all of the clutter and stuff that was choking the life out of the house and out of me!

Already I'm feeling the breathing room in my bedroom. I just went up there to enjoy it a couple of times today. I got a little start on the office area today, but mainly took the day off to rest and relax. Tomorrow I will dive in.

For the next little while I won't have much to post. I'll be busy with the challenge as well as finalizing all the loose ends for our church camp VBS...I'm the director. So it's going to be very busy around here. I will be cruising blogland as often as possible. A girls gotta take a break now and then you know! But as soon as VBS is done, the big projects begin!

This gal is heading to dreamland. Good Night John Boy.


  1. G'nite momma!
    Just kidding...sounds like you got a lot done. I'm am constantly trying to purge...a neverending battle here. That's why I cringe when I hear of everyone going to flea markets and garage sales and junk stores. I do enough damage on craigslist and ebay without even walking out the door! Good luck on your organizing. I did a teenie bit today thinking about your mammoth undertaking!

  2. Happy Birthday to you too! It's fun to find out which of my blogland friends are the same age as me. I hope you enjoyed your day. I didn't go for the big celebration thing was just another day (although I have to admit that when I say I'm fifty it sounds old...I don't feel old, it just sounds old).
    Your flowers look beautiful. I haven't planted anything this year and the porch looks bare.
    Have a wonderful June birthday week!!

  3. Your flowers look wonderful!!!! Don't they just make you smile?
    Happy Birthday!
    I hope you don't "not blog" for too long. I just found you!


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