
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vintage Looking Clock

This is the little project I said I would post. I picked this vintage looking clock up at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago. This baby is heavy! I think it is solid brass. I tried scraping the bottom of it, then tried a magnet and it didn't stick. Shhhh! Don't tell my husband...he might sneak it for the scrap metal pile!

I love that it is a wind-up clock that has an alarm. I'm going to try it for my side of the bed. We'll see if I can remember to wind it up each day.

This was a pretty straightforward project. I first taped off the back and face of the clock

Then I sprayed it with 2 coats of white primer, followed by several light coats of heirloom white.

Finally I glazed it with a little burnt umber acrylic paint mixed with some water, then wiped that off with paper towels.

I can't decide if I like it better glazed or unglazed.  I think it will depend on how it looks on what I'm going to use as a nightstand.

Now if you'll excuse me,  I have to get back to decluttering...after I eat supper...and maybe after a nap.

I am linked to these parties...go check them out:

Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. So pretty! I like it both ways, glazed and unglazed! I'm no help!

  2. What a beautiful clock! I like it both ways as well. Thank you for your nice comment on my blog!

  3. Looks great!! I just love buying things like that for cheap!! Either way it looks good! Like you said, depends on where you put it.

  4. I like it just like it is. Thank you for following. I will do the same. I was tired from doing to many things. I know all about the thyroid thing my sister has that problem. Mine has been checked. Thanks for the concern.

  5. Wow, you did a wonderful job, looks so vintage and a wonderful treasure.

  6. How lucky you were to find that clock. Winding a clock before turning out the lights becomes a habit. I miss that and don't even have a clock now but I do miss winding one.
    It's so soft and pretty glazed. You did a great job!
    You're so darling for leaving me a comment and such nice compliments. Today is day two of blogging and several things already have me stumped. I can see complete days (weeks...months) evaporating into thin air while I try to figure them out. I'll be spending time catching up on your posts. So far I have enjoyed everything I've read!
    La Maison Reid

  7. Hi Deborah,
    I just loooove your clock! I use heirloom white on just about everything too! I like your clock both ways, but I think I like the glazed way the best (it's a toss up!) Great find, and a great job!!

  8. LOVE your blog! So glad I found you. I actually came here because I just liked the name of it, and I'm so glad I did! The clock is gorgeous. What a treasure. And I definitely like it better glazed!

  9. I just found your blog, and love it! This clock is amazing! I vote for glazed. It looks so vintage!
    I am following you. ohhh that sounds creepy.

  10. You've got to love clocks! They bring such character into a room. Especially this cutie pie! I love it. As for my clock....I just moved it down to where my pictures were. Now I can see it from the kitchen too. Thanks for stopping by.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite


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