Wednesday, October 29, 2014

High Fluting Fall Decor

I am blogging from Kalamazoo, MI where I am visiting my daughter.  Before I left home, I grabbed a hundred few pictures of my kitchen bookshelves so I could get this post up while away.

Fall has been gorgeous outside with brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow, and I am in awe of the creator's paintbrush. Indoors, however, I prefer a more subtle palette. I decided to keep my aqua colors I have been using for now.  They will get changed out soon for Christmas though.

I went through my small supply of fall decor and culled most of it, leaving very little and not much of a budget for buying new things. Good thing I like a light touch when it comes to decorating for fall! I did make some things like my drop cloth pumpkin I shared here.

The weather has been cloudy and dreary for days on end so I didn't get a good shot of the whole left bookcase, and I am away from home posting this, so I cheated and pasted these three pictures together below so you can kind of see the whole thing.

You got a sneak peek of this shelf here when I posted about the sweet gifts my blogging friend gave me. This old chalkboard is beat up and stained, but I love the authenticity of it! 

I chose pumpkin shaped objects to tie in the theme.  I am not sure, but I think this fluted tin column is a cookie form.  It has caps on both ends.  I found two of them at a thrift store, and loved their columnar shape. The aqua mercury glass candle holder is perfectly pumpkin shaped!

Just a touch of the theme here with tiny gourds and a mini-pumpkin from the Dollar Store that I painted silver and white. The patina on the silver coffee pot is so perfect.  Even the rope trim on it echo's the ribs of a pumpkin a bit.

The next shelf I left very neutral, letting the tarnished silver play off the whites of the dishes, tray and shelf.  Here, the matching creamer and sugar team up with a new piece that was a gift from my secret pal at church. Why is it I never see something out of place or off center until I see pictures of it? Those off-center bowls are driving me crazy now, but I never notice it in real life!

In her note, she said it was a vintage warmer.  I am in serious love with it. It may not be exactly pumpkin shaped, but it has the those amazing curves and is kind of fat and squatty like a pumpkin. I set it on a plate ringed with oak leaves and acorns, and set that on an inverted, fluted tart pan. I've got a whole lot of fluting going on. (That should be a word!)

The inside is lined in white enamel. My secret pal knows my addiction. She had it filled with chocolate!  Most of it is gone now (ahem!). To my credit, she gave it to me several weeks ago, and my boys have snuck a few themselves, so I didn't scarf them down all at once, nor all by myself :)

The bottom shelf is also done in neutrals. You can see a peek of my red toile curtain that covers a multitude of sins on the lower shelves.  I need to change that out yet, but wanted to get these pictures taken before I left town.

I reused my stacked pumpkins from last year. They are also Dollar Store pumpkins that I painted, then hot glued together and glued a little spanish moss around where they are joined.

These little french pots I bought in a set of four at TJ Maxx a few weeks ago.  This one holds my sweet sachet from Debbie at Lakehouse and an egg from one of my chickens.

The right bookshelf is a little more colorful with more of my aqua things. 

The top shelf houses my favorite white bowls with the beaded edge, also from TJ Maxx (love that store)! My fluted cookie forms join another tarnished silver creamer and sugar set. I stole the cookie form from the other shelf and put something else there, but didn't get a picture. Things get moved around all the time anyway :)

I forgot to move the little indoor/outdoor temperature gauge my hubby likes to keep on this shelf. It messes up my symmetry. Oh well, keeping it real!

More TJ Maxx goodies oval fluted casserole/bowl and aqua cake pan were both found there on different trips. I think I got the embossed aqua apple at Big Lots a couple of years ago. The tarnished silver tray and fluted molds were from thrift stores.  I set my vintage Mason jars inside the molds.  I have more of the galvanized lids for them somewhere, but couldn't find them before I had to leave.

Finally the bottom shelf holds more white pumpkins with two little ones from the Dollar Store and a chalk painted larger one. The aqua bowls were from Big Lots, and match the serving bowl on the top shelf.  I can't remember the maker, and I'm not at home to look, but I want to find the matching plates and more pieces. The white platter and tray were from thrift stores.  I painted the tray with an old world finish here.

I'll have more later, when I get back home. Have a blessed week my friends!

Sharing this at these great parties:

Tuesdays With a Twist at MsMoozy's Open House
Saturday Sparks at Pieced Pastimes
That DIY Party at DIY Showoff
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What We Accomplished Wednesday #64

Want to be a pin-up girl? Join the party, and if you are featured, I'll pin your project to my Green Willow Pond Features Board!

It's been a cold and rainy fall here so far, but inside is cozy and warm. I brought out my fall decorations and started warming the place up this week. I'll be sharing more in the next couple of weeks. New this year is my drop cloth pumpkin that I fell in love with. I posted about it with a tutorial here.

As I stated in that post, my sweet friend, Debbie, from Lakehouse, gifted me with the crystals draped under my drop cloth pumpkin. Well, that was not all. The crystals were wrapped around the gift bag handle. Inside the bag were three beautiful treasures!

First is this gorgeous clock she had left from her shop that she closed. I had wanted to purchase one for my bedside, but that one had already been sold. I forgot about it, and was giddy when I found this one in my little bag of goodies! Now I just need to find a pretty little stand to put it on, but for now it is living on my kitchen bookshelves.

Debbie also made me this sweet little sachet that smells heavenly. I tucked it into one of these little french pots that I bought at TJ Maxx while we were shopping together in Gaylord. The egg is one I blew out from my very own chickens.

Isn't it pretty!

And finally, there was this pretty little doily tucked in. For now my silver compote (also bought at a thrift store on that same trip) rests on it, but I may sew it to a pillow later.

If you haven't visited Debbie at Lakehouse, you are missing out on a real treat. Not only is her lakeside cottage gorgeous, but she is a sweet soul.Tell her I sent you :)

There were so many wonderful links at our last party! Take a peek at the top ten here, then read on for the details!
First up we have this gorgeous kitchen remodel by Magali, from The Little White House. We've seen snippets of the remodel. Now here is the grand reveal!

Patti, from Old Things New, shared her beautiful velvet pumpkins. I refered to her tutorial, with a couple tweaks of my own to make my drop cloth ones. Aren't her's gorgeous?

Isn't this dresser amazing? Daena, at Bad Rabbit Vintage, shared how she refinished it and that her hubby may be laying claim to it! I'm hoping he does because it is stunning!

Martinel, from Martinel Art, created this lovely wedding book. I love the raised relief and pretty little framed rose in the middle!

I have a weak spot for industrial style shelves and these made me go a little weak at the knees. Kyla, from House of Hipsters, had the vision, and her hubby built it. Isn't it so cool?

Michelle, from the Painted Hinge, shared her cute fall "wreath," fashioned from a picture frame. Love the little chalkboard signs she can change out with the seasons.

Aren't these white pumpkins adorable? Lisa, from Mrs. Blackstone, found these wood pumpkins at a thrift store and painted them herself.

I've seen glass pumpkins, wood and fabric pumpkins, grapevine, and even REAL pumpkins, but I've never seen a metal one. Well this one isn't really metal, but it is faux painted to look like it...and I love it! Cassie, from Little Red Window shares how she created the look.

Check out this sweet lace and burlap garland made by the equally sweet Kristi, from Making it in the Mountains.

And for my insatiable sweet tooth, I am drooling over these Almond Joy Squares! Find the recipe shared by Kimberly at Lou Lou Girls.

Now it's your turn.  Show us what you've accomplished.  Can't wait to see what you've been up to!

The Simple and Easy Rules

1. Only projects you have made/accomplished pretty please. This means no round up of others projects, give aways etc. Items for sale are okay, as long as they are in tutorial form, and linked to your blog post.  No links to shops or Etsy stores, or round-up posts of others projects please.  Link up to 3 posts - please link posts new to this party.

2. Linking back to the party (text or button) within your post is very much appreciated . You can grab a button from the side bar if you like.

3. By linking up here, you are giving me permission to feature you here, on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and/or Pinterest.  I'll only use 1-2 pictures from your post and link back to you. Then people will be flocking to your blog to read all about it!!  Spreadin' the love around baby!
Most importantly, go visit some of the links because otherwise it wouldn't be a party would it? 

I am no longer automatically adding you to my email list to send out reminders about the party. If you want a reminder each week, just use the little sign up form below. You will only be signing up for party notifications. I will not use this list for anything else, nor will I ever share it with anyone. ever. period.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Drop Cloth Pumpkin

I've been drooling over all the gorgeous fabric pumpkins seen everywhere you look. Sadly I was not the proud owner of one...until now! Had I known how amazingly easy and fast it is to make one of these, my house would probably be overrun with them! It literally took me about 30 minutes to make this. The photography session should be so short!  

I do think I will make at least one more in a different size...but which will it be, bigger or smaller? Well that's a no brainer...everyone knows things are best in sets of three. Looks like I need two more pumpkins.

 Do you see those pretty crystals? My dear friend Debbie from The Lakehouse, had them wrapped around the handle of a gift bag of goodies she gave me when we met recently for a fun shopping trip and lunch. More about that trip to come.  I just love them with my pumpkin.  Kind of classes it up don't you think? Debbie is very classy like a completely humble way.

Want to know how to make these?  Stick around and I'll give you the quick and easy tutorial of how I made mine, but be sure to check out this post by Patti, at Old Things New.  I referred to her tutorial with a couple tweaks of my own.  She used real pumpkin stems and a different gluing method on hers.

First you need a round plate, bowl, platter etc. to trace around. I used a large round platter. As you can see it measures about 15 inches in diameter. I used a disappearing fabric pen to trace, but you could use any pen and cut just inside your pen lines.

You will need some heavy duty thread and a long needle.  

I used a doll making needle which was perfect for making a quick gathering around the circumference of the circle. My spacing was about 1/2 inch.You can just quickly run your needle in and out without worrying about spacing too much; it won't matter when you gather it. Don't cut your thread yet.

At this point it looks a lot like a shower cap! I don't recommend that. Next you will need some dry rice. Like you would use cooked rice :P Really don't recommend that either.

Pour some into the bottom of your pumpkin. I used about a cup for this size. You also need some batting. I couldn't find mine (I hide things too well), so I used some pieces of quilt batting and just pulled off a couple handfuls. It doesn't take much. You don't want to overstuff it. Loosen up your gathering if needed to stuff the pumpkin.

Now you can tighten up your gathering stitch. Pull your original knot out away from the pumpkin so you can tie off  your threads by tying them together. I found this the easiest as the pumpkin kept wanting spring open.

If needed, sew the opening closed by running your needle through the top a few times and knotting off.

 As you can see, my pumpkin ended up being about 6 inches across. For a really big pumpkin you would need a really, really big circle!

Now you can leave it as is, or you can sew through the middle of your pumpkin, top to bottom, creating deep ridges. I passed my needle through the pumpkin six times, then knotted it off on top. This is where the long doll needle really came in handy!

Here's what it looks like from the bottom.  Adjust your thread as you go to get fairly even ridges.

 Almost done! I didn't have any real pumpkin stems at the time, so I sawed a small branch off a piece of aged firewood. I kinda like the effect. I used hot glue to attach it and worked it down into the pumpkin about 1/2 inch or so. To hide the stitches I used some spanish moss and just wrapped it around the stem. I didn't glue it down in case I wanted to change the look, but you could certainly use a little hot glue to secure it.

 And now you have your very own fabric pumpkin. If you don't like to craft, are afraid of hot glue guns, or just really like to buy things, you will find a few of these available in my Etsy shop. I will brave the glue gun for you ;)

I've linked to these awesome parties:

Project Inspired at An Extraordinary Day
Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party
Whatever goes Wednesdays at Someday Crafts
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Vintage Inspiration at Beyond the Picket Fence
What's it Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Simple and Sweet Fridays at Rooted in Thyme
Be Inspired at Elizabeth and Co.
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Saturday Sparks at Pieced Pastimes
That DIY Party at DIY Showoff


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